in: Cows
Blep Cow
Blep Cow acquired her name from her signature facial expression, known within internet culture as a 'blep', meaning that an animal has a portion of their tongue hanging out of their closed mouth. Blepping is considered to be adorable, and upon receiving positive reinforcement from making the expression by accident, Blep Cow has continued to use the trick to gain leverage over her owners. She currently has a stranglehold over the farm she was born on, running the entire operation behind the scenes and holding the reputation of a traitor to her species among the establishment's livestock, who can be seen glaring angrily in the direction of her office, located in the top floor of the farmhouse.
An uprising was once planned by the livestock which failed and resulted in the deaths of half the cows involved, including all those found to be instigators of the movement. It is to be noted that these tactics have worked previously on various farms across the world, but were thwarted due to Blep Cow listening in to the conversations of her subjects, which can not be achieved by regular human administrators.
In Cow Review
Blep Cow was featured on Cow Review in season 1 episode 7, with Josh making such observations as:
She seems to be a rather young cow.
- You can tell this because it is very small and most cows can't be picked up as they are too heavy.
She earned a rating of 6/10, with Josh giving such reasons as:
The fluffy hair on this cow is adorable.
- Which pulls you into a false sense of safety, so that it can grab you with its blep tongue and consume you.
- Blep Cow ages significantly slower than the average cow, leading to speculation that she undergoes appearance-altering surgeries to remain cute.
- Blep Cow's review on the Josh's Cow Reviews YouTube channel has been age restricted. The reason is unknown as the video does not contain particularly mature content, but it is speculated that Blep Cow herself used her pull over humanity to diminish the video's reach in an effort to reduce public attention being directed at her.